Klasse ChangelogFormat

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public class ChangelogFormat extends Object
Base class for formatting changelog output

Individual properties can be overridden in the configuration of the changelog mojo.

Sebastian Staudt
Siehe auch:
  • Felddetails

    • baseUrl

      String baseUrl
    • branch

      String branch
      The format for the branch line
    • dateFormatter

      SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter
    • dateFormat

      String dateFormat
    • commitPrefix

      String commitPrefix
      The string to prepend to every commit message
    • escapeHtml

      Boolean escapeHtml
      Whether to escape HTML
    • printStream

      PrintStream printStream
    • separator

      String separator
      THe separator to print between different sections of the changelog
    • tag

      String tag
      The format for a tag line
  • Konstruktordetails

    • ChangelogFormat

      public ChangelogFormat()
  • Methodendetails

    • apply

      Create a new format instance using this instance as base and override with (non-null) properties of the given format
      format - Format to apply settings from
      Gibt zurück:
      A new format with applied settings
    • enableCreateLinks

      void enableCreateLinks(String baseUrl)
      Enable creation of links using the given base URL
      baseUrl - The base URL to link to
    • prepare

      void prepare()
      Prepare the format strings for use
    • printBranch

      void printBranch(String branchName)
      Print a section header for a branch
      branchName - The name of the branch
    • printCommit

      void printCommit(GitCommit currentCommit)
      Print a single line for a commit
      currentCommit - The commit to print
    • printCompareLink

      void printCompareLink(String currentRef, String lastRef, boolean isBranch)
      Generates a link to the GitHub compare / commits view and inserts it into the changelog

      If no current ref is provided, the generated text will link to the commits view, listing all commits of the latest tag or the whole branch. Otherwise the text will link to the compare view, listing all commits that are in the current ref, but not in the last one.

      currentRef - The current tag or branch in the changelog
      lastRef - The last tag or branch in the changelog
      isBranch - Whether the current ref is a branch
    • printHeader

      void printHeader()
      Print a header for the changelog
    • printSeparator

      void printSeparator()
      Print a separator between sections
    • printTag

      void printTag(GitTag currentTag)
      Print a section header for a tag
      currentTag - The tag