
Creating a Rubikon application is as simple as creating a Ruby class:

require 'rubygems'
  require 'rubikon'

  class MyApplication < Rubikon::Application::Base

If you save this code in a file called myapp.rb you can run it using ruby myapp.rb. Or you could even add a shebang (#!/usr/bin/env ruby) to the top of the file and make it executable. You would then be able to run it even more easily by typing ./myapp.rb.

Now go on and define what your application should do when the user runs it. This is done using default inside your application class:

default "Let's greet the world." do
    puts 'Hello World!'

If you run this application it will just print Hello World!.

Ok, this is nothing special, but you can also add command-line arguments to your application using command inside your class:

command :hello, "Let's greet the world." do
    puts 'Hello World!'

This way your application would do nothing when called without arguments, but it would print Hello World! when called using ruby myapp.rb hello. A command is code that is executed when the application is called with the command's name as the first argument – just like RubyGem's install or Git's commit.

Another part of Rubikon's DSL are flags and options. Both are parameter types that change the behaviour of the application. While a flag is a parameter without arguments, an option may take one or more additional arguments. Typical examples for flags are --debug or --verbose (or short -d and -v). RubyGem's --version is an example for an option that requires additional arguments. Flags and options are easily added to your application's commands using Rubikon's DSL and can also be easily accessed in the context of your commands:

flag :more, 'Greet even nicer'
  option :name, 'Somebody special to greet', :first, :last
  command :hello, "Let's greet the world or somebody special." do
    who = (given? name) ? "#{name.first} #{name.last}" : 'World'
    puts "Hello #{who}!"
    puts 'Nice to see you.' if given? more

But Rubikon allows a lot more than just defining command-line arguments. It will also generate help screens, load and write configuration files, handle user input and more. See the Rubikon wiki for further reference.