This page shows some examples of how to use Metior. The API aims to be clean and straightforward, allowing to issue simple commands as well as more complex queries.


The most straightforward use of Metior is probably generating an out-of-the-box report that analyzes a repository and gives a user-friendly output of the gathered data. :git, '~/open-source/metior', './reports/metior' :github, 'koraktor/metior', './reports/metior'

See an example report for Metior itself here.

API examples

If you want more sophisticated access to the available data, you can use the low-level API that provides stats for repositories and their individual commits and actors.

One-liner for some basic statistics

Metior.simple_stats :git, '~/open-source/metior'
Metior.simple_stats :github, 'koraktor/metior'

More fine-grained access to repository statistics

repo.commits 'development'         # Get all commits in branch development
repo.file_stats                    # Basic statistics about the files
                                   # contained in a repository
repo.line_history                  # Quick access to lines added and
                                   # removed in each commit
repo.significant_authors           # Get up to 3 of the most important
                                   # authors
repo.significant_commits           # Get up to 3 of the commits changing
                                   # the most lines
repo.authors('master').top 5       # Get the top 5 authors in master

Query a collection of commits

repo.commits.after '05/29/2010'
repo.commits.before '05/29/2010' 'koraktor'
repo.commits.changing 'lib/metior.rb'
repo.commits.most_significant 10
repo.commits.with_impact 100

See the documentation of Metior::CommitCollection

Query a collection of actors

repo.authors.most_significant 10 10

See the documentation of Metior::ActorCollection

Advanced usage

Chain collection querys

Querys on a collection of commits or actors can be easily chained to achieve complex filters on the available data.'koraktor').after('05/29/2010').with_impact 100 'lib/metior.rb'

Specifying commit ranges

Usually, when Metior queries a repository for its commits and authors it will use the default branch of the VCS, e.g. master for Git.

Sometimes it's more useful to not analyze the whole history of a repository's branch. For example when analyzing the changes from one branch to another, or from the last released version to the latest code. In that case you will have to specify a commit range. Specifying a commit range works just like in Git:


Given that your currently checked out branch is development and master points to commit deadbeef, the above statements are equal. Please also note the different syntaxes: The first two example are standard strings which will be parsed by Metior. The other one is a Ruby Range object which can be used by Metior right away.

Get statistics about a set of commits

Metior::Commit.activity repo.commits
Metior::Commit.activity repo.authors[author_id].commits

More …

For a complete overview of Metior's API including more examples, see the gem documentation or the documentation of the development code at